The House that Stood

The House that Stood”

And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was found upon a rock. Matthew 7:25 (KJV)

I was irritated during the rain and I saw it as a burden.

I was angry during the floods and my outlook was blinded by bitterness.

I was disappointed when the winds blew, because it destroyed my dreams and desires.

I was shocked when the house was beat upon, because the pain was so difficult to bear.

And yet…

Encouragement from Christ;

The love of God’s people;

Wisdom from God’s word;

And a covenant of promise, all instilled hope.

I was covered during the downpour, proving that I wasn’t alone in my damp.

I was comforted during the rebuild, showing me that my purpose was bigger than a moment.

I found peace as I continued through the process, happy that a detour didn’t deny my destiny.

I found joy in the journey on the road less traveled; finding something to rejoice in on this side of heaven, no matter how small.

I considered all the elements of the weather from this verse, and realized how they are benefits and how they can be a burden. I can and will experience them as both. I read the teachings and wisdom of the chapters that preceded Matthew 7, and realized how God truly desires to give us the keys to live a more abundant life guided by faith. I can and will be a doer and a hearer.

In all the challenges, God is still the Ultimate Champion and Christ the Cornerstone.

In all the various outcomes, God is still omnibenevolent and omnipresent.

In all the grief, God is still gracious to give moments that fill us with gratitude.

In this season, God is showing me how encouragement empowers and how empowerment allows wisdom and faith to grow. So I hope people will keep watering and planting good seeds into good ground as they wait for their harvest. And I pray God continues to pour into me and use me to encourage those I love and all His children.

This house stood in prayer.

This house stood in hope.

This house stood in tears.

This house stood in promise, after disappointment.

Keep standing.

I am still standing.

My foundation is still strong.

And I thank God for the grace to go on in love, light, and truth. And I pray the same for you.

❤️ JCB


Divine Coaching


The Purposeful Predestination