Anchored Hope
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.” —Hebrews 10:23 ESV
What led you to put your hope in Christ? The answer could be jammed packed or simple. Either way, you made a decision, deciding that it’s better to journey with God than to journey without. You’ve decided to hope in a greater than promise (God is greater than the highs and lows) of faithfulness, of sanctification through the sacrifice of Christ, and in the surpassing knowledge of God which is too wonderful to completely understand though it brings peace to trust in the ultimate way maker + miracle worker.
Hope for me is less about what God can or will do and more about who God is. I can hope in God’s sovereignty, character, and love—amongst many other things! And I’ve found this to be of vital importance to the health of my faith journey as other things and people will lack constancy, consistency, and clarity. Call it human nature, call it flaws, call it ill will—whatever the circumstance or situation, when we cannot see, when we do not understand, when it makes no sense, when it is obviously unfair —disappointment—which can have companions of pain, anger, bitterness, jealousy, heartbreak (the list is long so you enter an emotion here lol) is inevitable.
This is why my hope isn’t just in an outcome. My hope isn’t tied to final results or even performances. My hope isn’t based deeply in the tangibles of life. My hope is in the One who will never fail. My hope is in Christ, the cornerstone. My hope is in God’s will, even if it appears to be “different” than mine. My hope is in my Helper, who is greater in me than he that is in the world. My hope is because I know God!
The world cannot take away what God has revealed to me through our personal relationship, but it will try to diminish and destroy the truth about God’s faithfulness and love through trials, tribulations, tests, and tragedies. Here is a reminder that God’s faithfulness NEVER runs out; that there is relief and redemption for the righteous; that trouble don’t last always; that of the greatest LOVES, God’s love which one cannot truly fathom, continues day in and day out, to cover, protect, promote, build, encourage, and KEEP.
Don’t give up; hold fast, and remember God’s faithfulness.
Photo: Jeff Cohen